Tuesday, August 10, 2010

dont afraid of failure

Many people always ask me why i like to show to everybody the earth failure photo above.

There was no specific answer to that but i believe the incident had thought me a lot of things during my construction carrier. I will tell the story later why the failure like that happened.

As mentioned, failure always give many lesson eventhough it was very very expensive lesson.

Many this we can improve after any incident. either work process, work procedure or monitoring process.

So, dont be afraid.


After a long thought, finally i manage to start new blog with related to my academic and current profession.

Compare to my previous blog which most of writing are in malay language, this blog i will try more on english language.

This blog just to share with some of experiance which i been through in civil construction works mainly in highway and road construction and maintainance .

There will be sharing of experiance and discussion on current or new developments of construction industries.